
Coworking Etiquette for Beginners

As the coworking trend continues to rise across the nation, a survey conducted by Freshbooks indicates that the number of self-employed Americans could triple to 42 million by 2020. This points to a need for coworking space and statistics point to a significant jump globally in flexible commercial real estate. According to Allwork, the number of coworking spaces will increase by 6% annually...

How Co-working Can Benefit the Working Mother 

Co-working offers the right work-life balance solution for moms who work from home. These flexible office spaces provide a professional workplace free of distraction. You’ll also find professional meeting space for client meetings and other useful amenities.   It’s estimated that 2.2 million people around the world co-work. Offices like Work/Place provide membership packages...

Sixth Update: COVID-19 Information for Work/Place

We are pleased to let you know that we completed the installation of Honeywell Ultraviolet Air Purifiers in both of our Work/place locations. This system will help improve the overall indoor air quality inside of the buildings and help disinfect and prevent the spread of germs. This same type of light has been a tried and true air cleaning solution in hospitals,...

Fifth Update: COVID-19 Information for Work/Place

Members, we hope this memo finds you as well as can be expected given these difficult times. As more and more businesses look for ways to open their businesses safely while trying to minimize everyone’s exposure to the virus, we have decided that , effective Monday April 27, we will...

Fourth Update: COVID-19 Information for Work/Place

Pursuant with Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s Temporary Stay At Home Order Due to Novel Coronavirus issued March 30, 2020, effective Tuesday March 31, 2020, our staff will be primarily working remotely but can still be reached for any questions, concerns or maintenance requests you have. Our contracted cleaning company will remain on site and will continue its present cleaning schedule.   Work/Place will remain open for members to...