Happy New Year! With a new year comes new possibilities. If you’re like the rest of the business world, you’re an entrepreneur who has clearly defined your goals for 2020 and you’re ready to head off with a full head of steam. While most people aim to tackle their physical...
4 Reasons Why Nonprofits Should Use Coworking Spaces
For a nonprofit, coworking makes sense. When you choose to join a coworking space, it puts you in the midst of other business owners who may align with your mission and join you in doing good within the community. On top of that, shared office space allows the members of your...
The State of Coworking 2019
If you’ve ever worked from a coworking space, you know the difference it makes in productivity. And you aren’t the only one. It’s estimated that globally 3.1 million people work from coworking spaces. Within the next few years, this number is expected to exceed 5 million. With an emphasis on business growth and development in Newport News, entrepreneurs of...
Creative Uses for Meeting Rooms
It can be challenging to find affordable meeting spaces in and around Newport News, Virginia. For many years, networking groups, those holding seminars, and people seeking training rooms have had to flock to places like hotels and restaurant meeting rooms to hold meetings. While none of these are bad places...
The Culture of Coworking at Work/Place
At Work/Place we believe coworking shouldn’t be a competitive environment, but one that fosters growth, success, and collaborative relationships. That’s why we have made it our business and dedicate both our time and resources to provide a conducive working environment for all types of people to work in. Its coworking...