Do you remember your last 9-to-5? The commute you dreaded. The meaningless trips to the watercooler to gripe about bosses. Wasted time hovering around a co-workers desk discussing the latest Netflix binge. You talked about everything except why you liked your job. And that’s common. In Gallup’s 2018 State of the Global...
4 Ways Coworking Can Boost Your Professional Skills
Working at home can have its benefits—no commute, quiet, and low overhead—but investing in a membership at a coworking space can be beneficial. Having access and exposure to other business professionals whom you can learn and grow from could jumpstart your business and give you a leg up in the...
9 Things to Look for In a Coworking Space
Coworking spaces are becoming the popular choice for entrepreneurs and freelancers who have realized the benefits of coworking and have left behind the coffee shops in favor of these collaborative, professional environments. Covid-19 has allowed so many of us to determine how we work best and in what environment. If you’re reading this, perhaps you’re ready to join the 3.1 million people around the...
Coworking for Graphic Designers
For graphic designers, working from home or at a coffee shop can be limiting. Unlike most professionals, graphic designers thrive when the atmosphere and ambiance of their workspace reflects and inspires their inner creative. Graphic designers also need coworking spaces that provide opportunities to network and collaborate with other business...
Is COVID-19 Making Workspaces More Important?
A global pandemic that encourages social distancing, maintaining clean surfaces, and that limits face-to-face contact can be problematic for coworking spaces. As they are set up, coworking spaces are designed to bring people together, not set them apart and when it was clear that containing the spread of COVID-19 would...