The COVID-19 pandemic made many offices nonessential and subject to temporary closure. This left most people working from home. As cities, counties, and states roll out their phased plans for reopening, those people working from home may soon want to return to their offices. However, as the numbers ebb and...
COVID Shows We Can Work Remotely
Many employers believe that employees belong in the office despite their work supporting remote working arrangements. Businesses allowing employees remote work options find that those employees are happier and more productive. The COVID-19 pandemic event has put this to the test as workers must work remotely, collaborating via messaging, email,...
Adjusting During COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic situation has forced businesses and companies to rethink everything from workspaces to wellness policies. While many companies have encouraged their employees to work remotely, coworking spaces have been in a bit of a lurch by not being able to capitalize on this shift. Health and safety concerns...
Coworking for Introverts & Extroverts
First identified in the 1960s by psychologist Carl Jung, introverts and extroverts have a lengthy history of being the yin to the other’s yang. Jung observed that we distinguished the two extreme personalities types based on how they get and replenish energy. Introverts thrive and recharge under minimal stimulation and...
6 Benefits of Coworking for Lawyers
For lawyers, having a workspace that is both private and professional is paramount to business success and client privacy. Enter coworking spaces. While lawyers have traditionally huddled together in practices under brick and mortar roofs, coworking spaces can offer lawyers seeking to build their practices a similar advantage for a...