Wellness in the Work/place (see what we did there!)

Wellness in the Work/place (see what we did there!)

Creating the perfect work-life balance can sometimes be difficult. If you are a part of the corporate world, you might have already felt this first-hand. Whether you are working part-time or full-time, at some point you’ll find yourself tackling so many responsibilities that it feels challenging to accomplish everything. However, there is a solution to this – a well-managed workspace where both your personal and professional lives collide in a healthy way!

The answer is Work/place – the top-rated coworking space on the Peninsula with two convenient locations in Newport News and Hampton, Virginia. Our environment is focused on community and collaborating. The best part is that you will share facilities, infrastructure, costs, brainstorm ideas, help each other, share experiences and more! Those who have taken this option a step forward have even included some healthy activities to restore that balance!

With that being said, every shared office space comes with different workplace wellness practices. Below we will explore eight workplace wellness dimensions that can be implemented to achieve a greater balance.

Emotional Dimension

In the coworking space, having this dimension means that one can identify personal emotions and has the proper knowledge to handle them in a gentle, correct way. This can positively affect overall health and focus. To create a healthy work-life balance, the biggest tip we can share is to make sure to leave work at work. This is where having a workspace outside of your home is extremely beneficial. If you are struggling with any stressors throughout the day, we recommend closing your office door for a few moments of meditation.

Physical Dimension

This includes overall physical health. It involves nutrition, movement, and ergonomics – everything that is considered a physical aspect of the body. Your wellness status is important because you must take care of you first. To achieve this, you can incorporate desk yoga or stand up and walk every hour if your job is sedentary. Another option is to grab a pair of sneakers to leave in the office and take a walk during your lunch break. Soak up some warm sunshine and fresh air and you’re sure to return to the office ready to tackle the rest of the day!

Occupational Dimension

Have you ever heard of personal satisfaction levels? Well, this part focuses on that! The occupational dimension is created to provide you with the possibility to optimize your status and make your opinion count – which is perfectly achieved in a coworking space. You can create a positive and highly motivated atmosphere by praising co-workers’ achievements and giving empowering words. While they will feel amazed by your support, you can expect them to do the same for you. Think of it like a loop of motivation and encouragement.

Social Dimension

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and when these two collide in an office, the situation can go both ways. However, being a part of a shared coworking space encourages you to interact and be active in a safe and supportive environment, giving you the liberty to make a positive change. When you are in a coworking space, there are plenty of opportunities to chat, discuss similar hobbies, or simply bond over various team activities. Remember that being positive and kind can go a long way when you share a working place!

Spiritual Dimension

The search for purpose and meaning in life should be a part of every workplace wellness. Your beliefs have a great impact on what you do and achieve in the office. Therefore, it is best to set good self-care examples, encourage open communication with your co-workers, be mindful of your actions, and show understanding and respect for their different spiritual beliefs.

Intellectual Dimension

Provoke the chain of thought by using some mental health activities. These are perfect for anyone who wishes to progress and grow intellectually. By sharing skills and ideas, this can be easily achieved in a shared office space. For example, you can engage in brain games like sudoku and crosswords, learn new skills, play board games, etc.

Environmental Dimension

Office space is important, and it needs to function properly, be well-equipped, and be available to everyone. Recycling, taking an active part in creating a better world, a greener world, preserving water, etc., is only the tip of the iceberg here. Some examples include switching to non-toxic cleaning products, using as much natural light as possible, recycling paper, and bringing indoor plants that purify the air from toxic substances.

Financial Dimension

Any coworking space should have financial benefits, it means taking proper care of the finances and sharing and managing expenses. Future planning is included here, too – do a financial check-up once a year, set goals and work to minimize expenses.

The power of community shines through organizational success; the only way to achieve that is to try the coworking space concept. Experiencing an environment that supports creativity, boosts morale, gives a plethora of options every day, and supports both physical and mental health is the foundation of the future workforce! Come and experience the coworking benefits from the moment you step in!